
Caverna de las Brujas - Connecting with nature is possible - Argentina - Tourism

La Caverna de las Brujas, is located 70 kilometers away from the city of Malargue and Las Leñas, in the vicinity of Bardas Blancas, in the province of Mendoza. More than 1,800 meters above sea level.

More than 10,000 people visit it attempting to connect with nature and the legends of this place. The tour starts at the impressive entrance of 1.80 m. high by eight wide. Once inside, the dark, perceived the smell of damp and history.

La Caverna de las Brujas features three levels of main corridors. At the intermediate level is the most popular tour, which extends almost horizontally over the entrance and has a length of approximately 200 m. In this corridor is developed the tourist circuit.

The high level takes place in an almost horizontal but 20 m above the first. The third row consists of passages that go down to 20 m below the first. Other sectors are virtually impassable due to its narrowness.

The trip may take several hours, while visitors will be amazed at the wonders. Anyway, for those who fear the darkness of the cave, has installed a lighting system of 29 lights in a distance of 400 meters.

Until now has been achieved 5,000 meters of galleries, but it remains to reach the never-know end of the maze….

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