
Vote for the 7 wonderful cities of the world - New7Wonders | Tripin Argentina

The new New7Wonders initiative seeks this time to elect the 7 wonders cities of the world. After the successful of the recently election of the New 7 Wonders of the World and the New 7 Wonders of Nature, in which the Iguazu Falls were chosen!!, this year launched a new vote, which will be on line until December 2013.

The first phase of selection has already started and runs until March 7. You can choose from 7 cities in a total of 1,200 pre-selected. Argentina is represented by Buenos Aires, La Plata, Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, Salta, Bariloche, Mar del Plata, San Juan, Santa Fe and Ushuaia. Voting is very simple : look for the cities, in alphabetical order, and go by selecting up to 7. You must be logged.  Click here to participate.

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